surgeon innovation 2Dr. Innovation to the R&D Lab, STAT  (ODT Mag written by Jeff Schell, CEO @ TranS1)

Surgeon-led innovation can improve and expedite medical advancements.

As bioscience and medical device companies strive to stay innovative, a trend is emerging. Surgeons are joining the front lines and helping companies innovate at the ground level to create better products. Coupled with the exponential rate at which new technologies are developed, surgeon-led innovation is changing the landscape for what is possible in healthcare.
Traditionally, medical research and development begins with medical device companies and ends with surgeons. Today, early collaboration between inventors, developers, and medical professionals is yielding the development of a number of amazing new technologies and eliminating much of the need for later redevelopment.
Who better to provide insight into creating unique solutions that fill a need while being financially viable than the medical professionals at ground zero in the operating room?
To read the full feature, see it at ODTmag – Dr. Innovation to the R&D Lab, STAT